Bluetooth "The Transferring Of Nyaope"
Aren't we all tired of how everyday, every week, every year a new method of sharing drugs just springs out of the ground?
Aren't we all affected by this epidemic that's making rounds in our communities?
Aren't we all exhausted about the results and how this affects businesses, families and young upcoming teenagers standing by the sidelines trying to make valid decisions that will make an impact tomorrow?
These are the most important questions we need to answer in order to stand up and bring change in our communities. I for one have been around people who are affected by this living demon, the demon that slowly claims lives and changes them to a worse state. I for one also have a brother that is an addict, he is neck deep into this epidemic. And solely one of my reason for writing this is because I'm scared for him and all the other people I know whom are affected. I hope it's not to late for me, probably he might have started using the "Bluetooth Method".
The "Bluetooth Method" is when two nyaope users exchanges blood through syringes. When one has money to maintain the high, what he does is inject himself with the heroine, then after withdraws his blood then hands it over to his "Broke" friend that can't maintain the high then injects himself with the blood in order to transfer the because the blood already contains the drugs. This is caused by the unbearable cravings that makes one looses their mind & not care about the risks anymore.
Users who've been using the drug for long make it an excuse that smoking it no longer gives them the high they used to, so rather burn the powder and inject themselves with syringes, which makes them high quicker and is effective. This process of sharing drugs is scary and health hazardous, a lot of addicts practising it say "Bluetooth" means infection with potentially deadly diseases and possible deaths.
A tiny bag of nyaope costs about R30, whose ingredients are said to include heroin among other drugs including anti-retroviral, although this is disputed, a bag is enough for one person. Hashtag #NobodyCares has been making rounds on social media lately because of the 250 volunteered nyaope users from Pretoria were seeking help from the government. Apparently the MEC of Social Development promised the community lies, they shipped the volunteers to a rehab center where all of them were forced to sleep on the floor in one hall. One meal a day, addicts were given un-prescribed pills and some were encouraged to go home. A deliberate publicity stunt by our government - Khulsi Patrao Molala, states.
Promises have been made, organisations have been started but there is no plan of action that executed to STOP this epidemic. Question at large is what is the next step? Me and my partner are starting a campaign that will focus in engaging the YOUTH to help us execute & clean out "Nyaope". The name of our campaign is #KillNyaope, we will start by creating a marketing strategy that will help us with leads and getting the youth to interact. Social medi a will be our primary focus, it will be a platform to share ideas and plans and there forth we'll have a plan of action that will literally take out "Nyaope" off our streets for good. Your help would be highly appreciated, you can start by liking our Facebook page "Kill Nyaope" & Follow Us On Instagram @KillNyaope to join in or for more information.
-Ofentse Sean Lewis